March 18th, 2010

The 19th International Financial Symposium
“Exploring Optimal International Monetary Regimes beyond the Crisis
-Perspectives on global currencies and challenges for Asia-”


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Moderator Toyoo Gyohten
President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs
Opening Remarks Yoshihiro Watanabe
Managing Director, Institute for International Monetary Affairs
Click here for the presentation slides)
(in the order of speech)

Jeseph E.Stiglitz
Professor, Columbia University
Click here for the presentation slides)

Takehiko Nakao
Director-General of the International Bureau, Ministry of Finance (MOF), Japan
“Reforming the International Monetary System -Japan's Perspective-”
Click here for the speech text)

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
Chairman, Promontory Europe

Gao Haihong
Director, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Click here for the presentation slides)

Eisuke Sakakibara
Professor,Waseda University

※ To see the program of this symposium, please click here.
※ The contents of this symposium were published as Occasional Paper No.21
(Full version) on this website.