Event Information

On March 3, 2025 (Monday), commemorating our 30th anniversary  we will hold our 33rd Intenational Financial Symposium "held a virtual event "Fragmenting Global Economy: Achievements, Challenges, and What Lies Ahead?". Click here to register.

January 28th, 2021

Achieving Net-Zero Emissions and the Role of Japanese Financial Institutions
~Can Japan avoid the risk of being left behind by the rest of the world? ~

As the world accelerates its efforts to achieve net-zero emissions, Japan has also declared a goal of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. In this webinar, we invited Japan's leading experts on climate change and discussed what is required to achieve this goal and what role Japanese finance should play.

Some of the key messages from the webinar were: 1) Based on scientific findings, the question is how much transformation can be made in decarbonizing the economy and society in the next 10 years. 2) Financial institutions are required to strategically review their portfolios and actively participate in the creation of global frameworks to deal with climate change. 3) Japan needs to introduce carbon pricing as early as possible to recognize the financial risks associated with climate change. 

For more details, please refer to the presentation materials at the following link.

Date&Time Thursday, January 28, 2021, 10:00-11:30(JST)
Language Japanese (Simultaneous English translation available)
Progress Lecture and Panel Discussion


Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Naoko Ishii

Dr. Naoko Ishii has joined the University of Tokyo on August 1st 2020 as professor, executive vice president, and inaugurating Director for Center for Global Commons, whose mission is to catalyze systems change so that human can achieve sustainable development within planetar boundaries. 
Prior to joining the university, she served at the GEF (Global Environment Facility) as CEO and Chairperson from 2012 to 2020. 

(Click here for the presentation slides) 

Takejiro Sueyoshi

After graduating from Tokyo University, Mr. Sueyoshi joined the Mitsubishi Bank (MUFG Bank). In Nikko Asset Management, he started to engage with the UNEP FI Steering Committee. He serves as a Special Advisor to UNEP FI, Chairperson of CDP Japan, Vice-Chair of Executive Board in Renewable Energy Institute, Chairperson of WWF Japan, and Representative of Japan Climate Initiative (JCI).

(Click here for the presentation slides) 


Rintaro Tamaki

Mr. Tamaki is the President of the Japan Center for International Finance (JCIF) .
He joined the Ministry of Finance after graduating from the University of Tokyo. He served in the ministry as Director-General of the International Bureau and Vice-minister of Finance for International Affairs. He then joined the OECD Secretariat in 2011 as Deputy Secretary-General till 2017. He took his new duty in Tokyo as President of JCIF in October 2017.

(Click here for the presentation slides) 



Hiroshi Watanabe

Mr. Watanabe after graduating from the University of Tokyo joined the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in 1972. Before retiring as Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs in 2007, he occupied various senior positions at the MOF. He later took high positions in Japan Finance Corporation before his appointment as the President of JBIC in 2013. Since October 2016 he has been the President of the IIMA.